SECLA Symposium 2024
The 9th National Symposium on Training in Laparoscopy and Surgical Robotics (SECLA Symposium 2024) is a scientific event organized by the Spanish Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery (SECLA) and the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (CCMIJU), which brings together health professionals interested in laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
The symposium aims to provide an update on the theoretical and practical knowledge of laparoscopic techniques and robotic surgery, from their experimental development to their clinical application. On the other hand, during the scientific sessions, new surgical techniques will be presented, and the results obtained in their application will be shared.
The goal of this forum is to integrate resident doctors and specialists in formative debates on minimally invasive surgery in various specialties, such as General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Gynecology and Urology.
Likewise, live visualization of surgeries will be offered with interactions between surgeons and assistants, both in the field of laparoscopic surgery and robot-assisted surgery. This will be accompanied by a series of practical workshops on a simulator and experimental model for the practice of laparoscopic and robotic techniques.
This symposium is an excellent opportunity to keep up to date with advances in surgery and share knowledge with healthcare professionals from all over the country.