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Enrique J. Gómez

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Full Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Director of the “Department of P.T. and Bioengineering” of the ETSI of Telecommunication and Director of the UPM research group “Bioengineering and Telemedicine Group”. He is the UPMHealthTech Coordinator, by delegation of the Rector of the UPM, and  Researcher at the Center for Networked Biomedical Research in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) of the Carlos III Health Institute and the Center for Biomedical Technology of the UPM. He is coordinator of the NeuroTechAI Test center of the DIANA-NATO programme. His interest in biomedical engineering has led him to intense activity in the promotion and creation of undergraduate and postgraduate training programs in this discipline, in Spain and Europe. Founder and Director, since 2006, of the Master in Biomedical Engineering at the UPM. He is the Director of the new Master in Neurotechnology of UPM. Within his research activity, he has created several research laboratories at the UPM in ​​biomedical technologies in diabetes, surgery guided by medical image and neurorehabilitation and brain health engineering. Author of 201 articles in journals and more than 500 publications in international and national conferences. He has directed 19 doctoral theses and is currently directing another 3. He has been Principal Investigator of 90 projects (47 National and Regional Plan, 39 European, 4 CIBER-BBN). He is currently the President of the “Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering – SEIB”, and has been President of EIT Health Spain (2019-2022). Member of the founding committee of the European society “European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science –EAMBES” (2000). He is an “Honorary Life Member” of the IFMBE (International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering Society). Member of the Scientific Advisory Council (CCA), by invitation, of the Gadea Foundation (, for the promotion of science in Spain. UPM Research Award, 2022.