Riccardo Muradore is Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine of the University of Verona. He received the Laurea degree in Information Engineering in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Information Engineering in 2003 both from the University of Padova (Italy). He held a post-doctoral fellowship at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Padova, from 2003 to 2005, working on statistical control and monitoring. Then he spent three years at the European Southern Observatory in Munich (Germany) as control engineer working on adaptive optics systems. In 2008 he joined the ALTAIR Robotics laboratory, University of Verona (Italy). He was the coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project SARAS (https://saras-project.eu/) and he is the local coordinator for UNIVR of the Horizon Europe GEYEDANCE project (https://geyedance.eu/) and the coordinator of the Horizon Europe ROBIOPSY project (https://robiopsy-project.eu/). His research interests include control and system theory, teleoperation, robotics, surgical robotics, predictive maintenance, networked control systems and adaptive optics.